[Socrates] October 26th - Practicing Ungrading: Why and How with Susan D. Blum

Jean Kelly Jean.Kelly at qc.cuny.edu
Wed Oct 20 10:03:46 EDT 2021

On behalf of Transformative Learning in the Humanities:

Practicing Ungrading: Why and How with Susan D. Blum
Tuesday, October 26 @ 4-5 PM EST

A one-hour virtual workshop with Dr. Susan D. Blum, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Notre Dame and editor of the collection “Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead)” (West Virginia University Press, 2020)

What is “ungrading” and why is it having such an impact right now? Dr. Susan D. Blum, professor of anthropology at the University of Notre Dame, is one of the nation’s leading experts and practitioners of the combination of evaluative practices loosely known as “ungrading.” In this interactive workshop, Dr. Blum will discuss the reasons why it is important to think about our grading practices—where they come from, how they do or do not promote or inhibit learning, and what better ways and models are available.

RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/practicing-ungrading-why-and-how-with-susan-d-blum-tickets-190509217197.  
We would love to collect any questions you might have for Dr. Blum in advance. Given your expertise and on-the-ground knowledge of what faculty are facing right now at CUNY, we would greatly appreciate your submissions to our “questions box” for Dr. Blum: https://forms.gle/bkezX6JZ6zkyxK1p6.

For more information, visit https://www.cuny.edu/academics/faculty-affairs/cuny-innovative-teaching-academy/transformative-learning-in-the-humanities/events/

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