[Socrates] Tomorrow , April 7 from 3-4 PM: Join CTL for a conversation about teaching online during COVID-19

Michelle Fraboni Michelle.Fraboni at qc.cuny.edu
Mon Apr 6 18:11:21 EDT 2020

Dear Colleagues, 

The past four weeks have been a whirlwind for all of us, both personally and professionally. As we have quickly shifted to online teaching and learning, the focus for many instructors has been primarily about the tools and skills needed to bring their work online. Before the spring break, we would like to encourage you to step back and take some time to reflect on your experience so far. What effect has the shift to online teaching and learning had on your pedagogy? What's working, what's not working, and how would you like to change things moving forward?
We invite you to drop in and chat informally with the CTL staff and other faculty about your experience shifting to online teaching and learning on Tuesday, April 7, from 3 pm-4 pm. 
Click on the link to join: https://meet.google.com/hbo-izkt-oyd?hs=122

If you have not already done so, please complete a brief survey so that we can better support your online teaching.

Best wishes, 

Michelle C. Fraboni
DIrector, Center for Teaching & Learning

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