[Socrates] We need your help to interview over 500 students for the CUNY Service Corps program at QC!

Cecilia B Britez Cecilia.Britez at qc.cuny.edu
Tue Mar 26 16:22:24 EDT 2019

Hello Everyone!

The CUNY Service Corps Program at Queens College has received 549 applications for our next cohort 2019-2020! For the second time in the history of the program, we received the most applications among all the participating CUNY schools, while also breaking a second record for the most applications ever received for Queens College!

This means that we have a great number of students to interview. In hopes to offer an equal opportunity to all of our students, we interview everyone who has submitted a completed application. For this reason, we are reaching out to you to ask for your help.

We need faculty, staff and students to help us during our Group Interview Sessions. This is a commitment of about 2 hours. We will provide all necessary information and materials to you prior to the interview date.

For each interview date we call 50 - 120 students, then divide the group in two or three parts, and conduct a group interview of 25 students each. Here are areas in which we need your support:

Group Interview Facilitators: open to Faculty and Staff only

Group Interview Observers: open to Service Corps Alums and current members only

Group Interview Assistants: open to all QC students!

Please complete this form to let us know about your availability. You can sign up for as many dates/times as you can! Please, also share this email with all your colleagues or fellow students!


Click here to learn more about CUNY Service Corps at QC:


Thank you in advance for all your support!

I look forward to meeting you!

Cecilia and Service Corps Team!

Cecilia Britez<https://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilia-vega-britez-55530394>

Campus Manager
CUNY Service Corps at Queens College<http://qc.cuny.edu/servicecorps>
718-570-0548 | Kiely Hall 134

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