[Socrates] Fw: Enhancing Student Engagement in STEM Workshop, Jan. 17 and 24

Soniya Munshi Soniya.Munshi at qc.cuny.edu
Thu Jan 11 12:29:55 EST 2024


From Nathalia Holtzman, Associate Provost for Innovation and Student Success:

Join us during this winter break for two days of workshops to increase your impact on your class by increasing student engagement! We will leverage the power of your syllabi as a summary of your course. We will also discuss the importance of inclusion of our diverse students to drive student engagement. Faculty teaching STEM courses are invited to participate in a hands-on seminar taking place in person on January 17 and January 24.

In the first session, we will use guided exercises and group discussions to identify areas in our syllabi that can promote student engagement. We will follow by building a draft of potential edits to our syllabi. In the second session, we will explore the updated syllabi through peer and expert feedback. We will also discuss how we expect the modified syllabi to make our students more connected to the material, class, and discipline.

Know Before You Go:

  *   Seminars will take place January 17 and 24 from 10 am to 2 pm on campus.
  *   Lunch will be provided.
  *   Faculty will receive $500 compensation for participating in the two sessions; faculty that can share their experience on the implementation of the updated syllabus through the spring semester will receive an additional $250.
  *   The seminar will be guided by Dr. Lissette Delgado-Cruzata, Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, John Jay College, CUNY.
  *   Open to all STEM instructors (full time and adjuncts).
  *   Registration is limited. We will confirm your participation during the week prior to the start of the program.
  *   Deadline to register: Friday, January 12. Register here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001RZYVYwKSs55UlM4vqHEGxKAp_XSo3jJaTkELfyPujKwjMjFlIKJjUnV0x8B_Bh_O19gauHGMPQRxX4Lt82qtcSEIRPtZZDnnBlX4gax0VWFRqxFaq2iyW_-BaTFZC_4Iijl9z5Y1Ak6Adu6qsRrWLsGcxyoDuy_HwsQ4XRog0lIc7QQHi4eVTEkRAUrO2hqcjpTS_m2qOzW78rHr3D0qYOVYpNyQYvYwuOhe9SU0_JDKFqjsmDwJlebiYOWiv7dU8FY6vzBXvfaNfGnT2dn5ZNBZFms_waDWs6VvIXxLYmM=&c=CPV2M-W_wwLWDPdP17q7lTRZFD7E3ewIrWelV6Jhvs4eSBORuaNvsg==&ch=qecVq-sawYpD2DozAAjRJsgn6M966n8EYtuTN3uJc8XUYVLDH72zyQ==>.

Please email nholtzman at qc.cuny.edu<mailto:nholtzman at qc.cuny.edu> with questions.

About the presenter: Dr. Lissette Delgado-Cruzata (she/ella) earned a BS in Biochemistry at University Havana, Cuba, and a PhD from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University. She is an associate professor of Molecular Biology at John Jay College in The City University of New York and a Fulbright Scholar. Her research focuses on identifying the epigenetic patterns specific to US Latinas and Latin-American women with breast cancer centering on their genetic admixture. She is passionate about increasing the number of underrepresented minority students that go on to graduate programs and mentors many undergraduates in her research lab. She also has a deep commitment to increasing diversity and inclusion in the teaching of STEM disciplines. She is the principal investigator of an NSF-funded project that proposes to create classroom materials using a culturally affirming lens in science courses.


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