[Socrates] Fulbright Committee Participation

Moira E Egan Moira.Egan at qc.cuny.edu
Thu Sep 8 12:45:16 EDT 2016

Hello all.  I hope you have had enjoyable and productive summers and that the new semester is beginning well for you.  I have been enjoying working with our Fulbright applicants over the summer and am writing to ask for assistance with our campus evaluation committees.  We have students applying for graduate school in Britain and Amsterdam (both interested in aspects of music) and to teach English in India, Malaysia, South Korea, Norway and Spain.  Our campus deadline is tomorrow, and I would hope to get applications (consisting of biographical information, transcripts, three recommendations and two statements of 1-2 pages each) to reviewers by the middle of next week.  Fulbright requires that each application the college submits includes a campus committee evaluation.  We do this by meeting with the student to ask about the application and to give feedback for further revisions.  Each meeting takes about an hour.  We would need to complete all interviews by early October to give students the opportunity to make final revisions and to allow our office to complete the form each committee will discuss by Fulbright's October 11th deadline.

If you are able to join us, could you please let me know how many applications you can review and tell me something about your availability to meet?

Thanks very much for all you do for students.

Moira E. Egan, Ph.D.
National Fellowships Advisor
Office of Honors and Scholarships
Rm. 23 Honors Hall
Queens College, CUNY
(718) 997-2863

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